On Second Thoughts !!!

Once you accept the notion that the rights of the people can be vested in proxies, you have just about abolished the people


Only fools fight. The wise supply them the means to do so; at a price, of course.
-Pyare Shivpuri

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Cauldron of Time: Value Others Time as much you Value yours

Yesterday, during a random dinner table conversation, the question that was put to me was what do you think your purpose in life is? Ah, the fundamental question we all grapple and often ignore. Without getting too meta-physical about it, I think there is a very simple practical answer to the question. And it is simply – doing what one does to the best of one’s abilities.

I see so many people go through the best years of their lives simply watching the clock. They go to office in the morning, put in the requisite 8 hours and come back in the evening. Same routine repeats day in and day out. But what each one of us needs to realize is that we’ve only got a limited amount of time. When you’re 25, you think the entire world is ahead of you and life is limitless. But as Yudhishthira says in the Mahabharata, “the cauldron of time cooks everyone”. And THAT is a universal truth.

So given that you’ve got only a limited amount of time, let’s take that argument further. Let’s say you’ve only got a year to go, before your time is up. Would you now bring the same attitude to work and life that you have right now? Or would you change it drastically? If the answer is that you would change it drastically, then my friend the answer to life’s fundamental question is right in front of your eyes and you’re choosing to ignore it.

When we work for organizations who we think pay us less, or a boss who doesn’t understand us, or an environment which is suffocating, we all have a few choices. And the choice is to simply leave that situation and choose another one. Or to try and change the situation. But, there is a third choice: while we’re in that specific situation, life demands from us that we give it our very best. And that is what life is really all about. If you don’t like your job, change it – but while you’re working, give it everything you’ve got. Or else you’re shortchanging the most important person in the world - you! If you think your company is short-changing you – think again. Or rather trust greater thinkers to guide you. As Krishna says to Arjuna in the Gita – "do your duty because that is what you’ve come on Earth for. Do not think of the fruits of your actions." To give it a more practical twist – I say, "do not work simply for the fruits of your labor. Do it for your love of the work itself – do it because it is your bounden duty to do so. Or else, you’re actually waking up every day and cheating yourself."

Every hour and every minute of work that you’re whiling away your time, taking long breaks, chatting, social networking, or not giving your profession your best effort and dedicated focus is a minute that is completely lost, and the biggest loser in this case is you – not your organization, not your team – but you! Because the company will keep going on or shut down – but the best years of your life won’t come back ever. So go change your job if you’re not happy. But stop cribbing and complaining and cheating yourself out of the only life you’ll ever have.!!!!!!

Value Others Time as much you Value yours

post your thoughts/articles to cafebulletin.paulscafe@blogger.com

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Selfish Or Guilty - Neither

Selfish Or Guilty - Neither

Say It Now for it might be their last day !

Say It Now for it might be their last day !