On Second Thoughts !!!

Once you accept the notion that the rights of the people can be vested in proxies, you have just about abolished the people


Only fools fight. The wise supply them the means to do so; at a price, of course.
-Pyare Shivpuri

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Mulla Nasrudin and his wife were sitting on a bench in the park one evening just at dusk. Without knowing that they were close by, a young man and his girl friend sat down at a bench on the other side of a hedge.....

.....Almost immediately, the young man began to talk in the most loving manner imaginable.....

"He does not know we are sitting here," Mulla Nasrudin's wife whispered to her husband. "It sounds like he is going to propose to her. I think you should cough or something and warn him....


Do we really dream or do we desire?

Do we really dream or do we desire? ‘To dream’ is good for all of us but we must not forget that ‘to desire’ is the root of all problems. For once, we can achieve all our dreams and be happy but we can never fulfil our desires and still be happy……….. nobody has and nobody will be.

From what I see around me I feel the busy-ness is not for earning a better life but to earn more and more money. A sound bank balance is a must and a very reasonable thought. But what for a fat bank balance? - Mental peace – no. I feel a fat bank balance is more tension. It is not wrong to be ambitious but very wrong to be money minded. I was that way until I realised, the more I was trying to have a better life the more I was getting entangled in the web. I failed to identify the actual need. I could not differentiate between need and desire.
I was a total loser until I met my teacher.

He asked me -
What you want to do?
What you can do?
What can you sacrifice for what you want to do?

I got the answers to these questions after about seven months and am still getting new answers for them, every time I repeat these questions, in my mind. If you can answer these questions, and you have to be brutally honest while you answer these questions, trust me you will stop following your dreams, blindly, but will actually start working towards achieving them.

Do What You Want NOT What You Can....

Relationship Between the Child and his Parents

The relationship between the child and his parents is primarily based on love, freedom and a total acceptance of the child as an individual. The parent's core philosophy, in dealing with their children, should be a deep trust in children's natural intelligence and their ability to make their own decisions based on awareness and understanding.

The relationship between parents and children should be such where children should be able to express themselves with honesty and integrity, have trust in themselves and understand that their lives, actions and feelings are their own responsibility, and have a non-serious, zestful, confident, creative and fearless approach to life and learning.

The parent's main focus should be to help children transform their natural curiosity into a strong inner discipline and motivation. Parents should understand that each individual child comes with some gift, some treasure. It may be academic, it may be practical, or it may be artistically creative. Parents should try to provide as much space and as many opportunities as possible for the child's individuality and creativity to unfold.

Parents should NOT use comparison and competition as stimuli for achievement and performance. Life is so vast, individuals so unique, and there are so many human gifts that cannot be quantified, tested or measured: for example, a loving heart, sensitivity, courage, awareness, honesty, vitality, being generous or understanding. All these qualities are valued as precious, in fact priceless.

Parents are the first teachers of the children and their homes their first classroom. Ensure their participation in all discussion for it will be much useful for them in future and their relationships.

Parents should help in every possible way to give freedom, to give opportunities for personal and spiritual growth to their children.

Selfish Or Guilty - Neither

Selfish Or Guilty - Neither

Say It Now for it might be their last day !

Say It Now for it might be their last day !