Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Read to Think ; Think to Read
Not Yours ….Or Mine!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Expiry date for all...
“There is an expiry date for all. No body and nothing are indispensable. There are no guarantees to anything. Nothing lasts forever.”
All that exists has to perish and go back where it has come from. That’s the only constant. That’s nature. Everything that is created has an end and MUST have an end or it becomes monotonous and loses value. If there is no end then there is no room for the new. If we want a change then we have to change that which is now, which too was changed long back to make room for the change. There is no such thing as forever. If there is then it is death. I am yet to see one who can prove that life is forever, it is death that is forever. Thoughts change, feelings change, responses change, ideas change. The word idea can be treated as a short term for i – Dream / i- death. The death of the old and the birth of the new becomes an ‘idea’. ‘I’ has to die to give rise to the new. The ‘I’ is the ego. Let it die or better,........... kill it!
‘We change the world by changing the way we perceive the world, the way we think about cause and effect, by altering our beliefs of true and false, right and wrong’.
In this material world we believe in buying the latest. Why? Because we all want a change. We get bored with the new and again want a change. For this simple reason even the furniture re-arrangement in our house after a while makes the room look new, but then after some time that too becomes old and needs a change.
We are constantly running to achieve that ever elusive pot of gold; we fail to see it along the path. What is needed is change of the mind not material. But when one has a mind it will think and it will disallow the change as we all are soo deep rooted in our traditions which was sowed into our heads long ago by our ancestors. They too forgot that what was new to them was only a mere change from the old. Our conditioned ways of looking at things prevent us from taking the plunge or allow anybody else to take the plunge. We just do not want to let go for the fear of losing all... That reminds me a line from the poem ‘IF’ by Rudyard Kipling –
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;……….
I can only suggest changing the way we think to change the way we live.
‘What is the theory behind what we do? Is it really what we want or intend? Or has it gone untested for so long that we no longer question it?’
For ages we have been hearing and at times even many of us must have participated in the – “Women’s Liberation” – why? because there are few who want a change. It is because those people believe – Change is the only constant.
Nelson Mandela was in prison for 27 years, that’s more than a life imprisonment…what for? What did he strive for? What was his personal gain? – CHANGE…and he did it…Gandhism is Gandhigiri now, why? - Because we all have forgotten the true ways of Gandhi hence we needed a munnabhai to teach us Gandhigiri. We needed a change to again connect with Gandhism…isn’t that a change?
In the land of opportunities that is the United States;
It took 43 presidents to rule and finally the change;
44th was the president who was not a white American.
USA who is considered as the powerful nation on earth took almost an era for a change.
For the bird in the cage it will need a lot of patience…
But change is the only constant and
Some day the cage too will disappear and;
The bird will fly again.
Possibly you & I may not last that long but the thoughts must go on;
Only then there will be change for the seeds need to be planted by someone…
‘You reap as you sow’…is a proverb…
but for a change one can only sow and hope to reap…but eventually it will definitely be reaped, that’s for sure…
Who wants a change?
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Pyare Shivpuri
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Bapu to millions of Indians, a Mahatma or Saint of modern times, was hit by an assassin's bullets in the Birla Temple Grounds in New Delhi on 30th January 1948. He did not die then. He is being killed off now. Slowly. Pacifists all over the world and particularly in India get together to pay homage to Gandhiji but the voice that once spoke for "the conscience of mankind" is muted in the cacophony of tripe tributes paid to him from a variety of platforms and the shrieks of pure terror heard from every devastated hamlet where the harijans have been harassed, molested or killed. We are proving once again that man can live without food or faith but not without a tangible god. And we are manufacturing a tangible god, though an utterly untouchable one, out of a perfectly touchable man. Gandhiji dedicated his life to eradication of untouchability of all kinds. In his death, he seems to have been made the ultimate untouchable of the twentieth century.
Gandhiji had built up a fairly remunerative law practice in South Africa but success as 'lawyer' eluded him. He realised that his role was not that of a custodian of statutes but that of a champion of justice. On his return to India, he marched to Dandie in contravention of the Salt Act, not merely because he was defying the might of the British Empire but because he was formulating a political device that an ordinary citizen anywhere could understand and accept. When he propounded the widespread use of the spinning wheel, he wasn't even remotely suggesting the closure of textile mills in the country. He was creating an equation between eternal motion and a measure of usefulness in the society. He had understood very clearly the difference between "power" and "strength" and was convinced that wherever and whenever "power" is confronted with "strength" the former loses out in the long run. Non‑violence in principle ‑ and civil disobedience or passive resistance, in practice ‑ was a strategy devised to confront the foreign ruling power with the strength of the natives. This very strategy has since been used in various parts of the world against oppression of all kinds. It is being used now in Poland, testing the very structure of Communist System. Yet, a dispassionate study of the principles of passive resistance reveals that it is a rather unfair game. In essence it is like this. "I will not strike at you. Never. But I shall provoke you to murderous rage. So provoked, when you aim your guns at me, the world will condemn you as the tyrant and bestow upon me the benefit of its benevolence".
Gandhiji's design for struggle for independence in India was an economic necessity. The Indian society could not support an armed wing of freedom fighters. An armed uprising against the British rule would not only have destroyed the momentum of the struggle, it would have become an elitist movement excluding the farmer and the labourer, that is to say 75% of India's population. As a non‑violent protest it has been the most popular movement in human history ‑ even more so than the French and the Russian revolutions. Gandhiji successfully confronted the foreign power that ruled over India. He hit them. He hit them hard. He even hit them below the belt. And then, in his characteristic generosity, forgave them their pain. But he could not appease the violence inherent in the Indian society. He reached out to the Hindus and the Moslems alike but could not bring their leadership together. He did not like the idea of partition and would have gladly accepted Mr Jinnah as the first Prime Minister of a free re-united India. As a matter of fact that move would have torpedoed the two nation theory. If a Moslem Prime Minister of a predominantly Hindu India had failed, nobody would dare raise the demand for Pakistan. On the other hand, if he made a success of the high office, nobody would care to do so. The economic considerations of authority for which the leaders of the Indian National Congress had indeed worked hard and waited long were within their easy reach. As long as Gandhiji merely theorised about the sacrifices that were necessary to carve a new destiny for an ancient land, he was loved and revered. When the time came and Gandhiji insisted that those sacrifices be actually made, he was cast aside. He accepted the partition as a bitter reality but on 15th August 1947, when the leaders of the Indian National Congress were rejoicing in the transfer of power New Delhi he was not even on the soil of free India.
The Indian National Congress was not designed as a political party. It was a forum for expression of Indian aspirations. Gandhiji had realised only too clearly that after independence, the Congress could not go on effectively representing the landlord and the tenant, the industrialist and the worker simultaneously. He advised that the Congress ought to be dissolved with the coming of independence. Fresh blood and new ideas were needed for the new era. He warned that if the Indian National Congress is not dissolved honourably and honestly, it will become stagnant and putrefied; it will be torn by factionalism, defections and dishonest intentions; it will perpetuate the cult of personality and come to a disastrous end with dire consequences for the whole country. Events have proved how right he was.
Gandhiji was not against industrialisation or modernisation. But he did not equate progress with it. He wanted India to be an agricultural king rather than remain an industrial beggar. He said that an inappropriate and indiscriminate development policy for the nation will rob the Indian of his self‑respect. Economic equations in India, he said, could only be built on the foundation of village industries. He knew that, the control of economic power requires clarity of vision. His lieutenants ‑ noble and genuine patriots all ‑ lacked that clarity. Slogans of progress had brought them the adulation of ever increasing Indian masses. Lost in that adulation and lost without the clarity of vision, the hub of leadership of the Indian National Congress became a centre of intrigues and conflicts. As a result an appropriate economic policy for the country could not be formulated. Today, Chief Ministers of many States are accused of corrupt practices ‑ one among them having been found guilty in a Court of law and having had to resign. Corruption is accepted as a part of the national fibre and nothing, but nothing, in India moves without a licence. And licence laws breed further corruption.
The advance of a capitalist industrial society creates a few very rich and many too poor to feed themselves. When such a stage is reached a movement for reform arises amongst the poor, sometimes with destructive outbursts. Gandhiji wanted to avoid wastage of national energy in that eruption. He insisted that the Indian should go back to the villages because, he explained, the solutions for the problems of the Indians as distinct from the problems of India could only be found in rural cooperation; in an environment of equality and openness. He recognised very early on the potential that lay locked in the untouchable of India. He also realised the explosive nature of conflict that would arise as the nation advanced on the road of industrialisation. He gave them a brand new name ‑ the harijan, children of god. He espoused their cause. He advocated the removal of stigma attached to the harijan. This process could release their locked energies, bring them into the mainstream of India's national efforts and eliminate the internal dissentions of the Hindu society.
The leaders of the government and the society set out to make laws banishing the practice of untouchability but did not make provisions for their effective application. Law is like a railway track. It does not move itself though it does make the movement of a train possible. The presence of the track, in itself, is no guarantee that the train will move. The Constitution outlaws the practice of untouchability but there is yet no social acceptance to enforcing that right. The Adult franchise gave to the harijan a powerful weapon ‑ the vote. It also provided the politician with a brand new method of manipulating the harijan population. Almost all of those politicians were people blessed with robust conscience and a hunger for justice. Almost all of them believed in social position, comfort and rich feeding. They were the kind of people who never become the salt of the earth but they do remain the substance of civilisation. And they save the society from criminals and conquerors. They also inflict upon the society immediately surrounding them a personal brand of morality. Gandhiji was aware of all this and saddened by it. I wonder what a sad man he must have been, when he was assassinated. Today, on the one hand, we proclaim him to be a Mahatma ‑ a Saint. On the other hand we inflict untold miseries on the harijan whose cause he espoused with all his might. In another fifty or perhaps a hundred years we will call him an incarnation of god. Another Christ, perhaps. One single atonement for an era full of sins and wrongs. We attribute extra qualities to Gandhiji because we have neither the tenacity to acquire his courage nor his courage to acquire tenacity. We dare not criticise him lest we should reveal how fragile our own structures are. Perhaps it is the tragedy of such a touch‑stone to become and remain the ultimate untouchable.
Cambridge, UK.
22nd January 1982.
If You Think... You Can ...
If you think you dare not, you don't.
If you'd like to win but think you can't,
It's almost certain you won't.
To the stronger or faster man,
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Mulla Nasrudin and his wife were sitting on a bench in the park one evening just at dusk. Without knowing that they were close by, a young man and his girl friend sat down at a bench on the other side of a hedge.....
.....Almost immediately, the young man began to talk in the most loving manner imaginable.....
"He does not know we are sitting here," Mulla Nasrudin's wife whispered to her husband. "It sounds like he is going to propose to her. I think you should cough or something and warn him....
Do we really dream or do we desire?
From what I see around me I feel the busy-ness is not for earning a better life but to earn more and more money. A sound bank balance is a must and a very reasonable thought. But what for a fat bank balance? - Mental peace – no. I feel a fat bank balance is more tension. It is not wrong to be ambitious but very wrong to be money minded. I was that way until I realised, the more I was trying to have a better life the more I was getting entangled in the web. I failed to identify the actual need. I could not differentiate between need and desire.
I was a total loser until I met my teacher.
He asked me -
What you want to do?
What you can do?
What can you sacrifice for what you want to do?
I got the answers to these questions after about seven months and am still getting new answers for them, every time I repeat these questions, in my mind. If you can answer these questions, and you have to be brutally honest while you answer these questions, trust me you will stop following your dreams, blindly, but will actually start working towards achieving them.
Do What You Want NOT What You Can....
Relationship Between the Child and his Parents
The relationship between parents and children should be such where children should be able to express themselves with honesty and integrity, have trust in themselves and understand that their lives, actions and feelings are their own responsibility, and have a non-serious, zestful, confident, creative and fearless approach to life and learning.
The parent's main focus should be to help children transform their natural curiosity into a strong inner discipline and motivation. Parents should understand that each individual child comes with some gift, some treasure. It may be academic, it may be practical, or it may be artistically creative. Parents should try to provide as much space and as many opportunities as possible for the child's individuality and creativity to unfold.
Parents should NOT use comparison and competition as stimuli for achievement and performance. Life is so vast, individuals so unique, and there are so many human gifts that cannot be quantified, tested or measured: for example, a loving heart, sensitivity, courage, awareness, honesty, vitality, being generous or understanding. All these qualities are valued as precious, in fact priceless.
Parents are the first teachers of the children and their homes their first classroom. Ensure their participation in all discussion for it will be much useful for them in future and their relationships.
Parents should help in every possible way to give freedom, to give opportunities for personal and spiritual growth to their children.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Take It Seriously or a Serious Joke
This sounds like as good advice as don't rent a casket when you die. It's not just the government... Be sure and cancel your credit cards before you die. This is priceless, and so easy to see happening, customer service being what it is today. A lady died this past January, and Citibank billed her for February and March for their annual service charges on her credit card, and then added late fees and interest on the monthly charge. The balance had been $0.00, now is somewhere around $60.00. A family member placed a call to Citibank:
Family Member: "I am calling to tell you that she died in January."
Citibank: "The account was never closed and the late fees and charges still apply." Family
Member: "Maybe you should turn it over to collections."
Citibank: "Since it is two months past due, it already has been."
Family Member: "So what will they do when they find out she is dead?"
Citibank: "Either report her account to the frauds division or report her to the credit bureau, maybe both!"
Family Member: "Do you think God will be mad at her?"
Citibank: "Excuse me?"
Family Member: "Did you just get what I was telling you - the part about her being dead?"
Citibank: "Sir, you'll have to speak to my supervisor." Supervisor gets on the phone: Family
Member: "I'm calling to tell you, she died in January."
Citibank: "The account was never closed and the late fees and charges still apply." Family
Member: "You mean you want to collect from her estate?" Citibank: "Are you her lawyer?"
Family Member: "No, I'm her great nephew." ( Lawyer no info given) Citibank: "Could you fax us a certificate of death?"
Family Member: "Sure." (Fax number is given) After they get the fax:
Citibank: "Our system just isn't set up for death. I don't know what more I can do to help."
Family Member: "Well, if you figure it out, great! If not, you could just keep billing her. I don't think she will care."
Citibank: "Well, the late fees and charges do still apply."
Family Member: "Would you like her new billing address?"
Citibank: "That might help."
Family Member: "Odessa Memorial Cemetery, Highway 129, Plot Number 69." Citibank: "Sir, that's a cemetery!"
Family Member: "What do you do with dead people on your planet?"
Citibank: MAKE THEM PAY !!
Monday, May 12, 2008
A Beautiful Poem
Just for this morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying. Just for this morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear,
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
We all have often heard the term ‘house wife’- what does it mean in its truest form? Who has coined the term ‘house wife’? –
- does the term- house wife - say that the husband has the right to have another wife who is not a house wife, does it allow the husband to look for another wife to look after his desires and not only house. Does it allow a husband to have a girlfriend outside and not only a wife in the house? Does the term ‘house wife’ mean that the house wife is a legally enforced being on the husband by the society and not by choice, of either the husband or the wife.
Is a bride ever allowed to choose her groom? If there can be a house wife then why not a house husband- with similar meanings as for the house wife.
Can we men allow our wife’s the privilege of having another husband who is not a house husband? For how long are we going to exploit the fairer sex – at this I differ – how can a female be a fairer sex when she is the strongest. Only a woman can bear a child only a woman can give, she gives her body to her husband, she gives love to her children, care and concern for everybody around, she never asks nor takes. Only the strong can give. So if a woman always gives how does she become the fairer sex? In comparison with them we men are the weakest we need our lady by our side when we are scared we men want to hide in our lady’s arms when we want some peace. Has anybody ever heard of any woman not forgiving her man for cheating her, abusing her, and the worst; taking her for granted. Are women really difficult to understand? Or we simply do not want to understand just because she belongs to the fairer sex. Even today on this day and age of advanced technology and science we still have a different opinion on women. We men still find it difficult to accept the fact that women are at par with us and most of the time even does extremely well than us. Is it our insecurity or chauvinism that we still expect the wife to cook food, wash our clothes, and then please us in the bed? Can we ever think beyond all this? We always want from the wife. What have we given to her? We have been raised with the thought that we are superior to women, even the scriptures say that, the manusmriti too says that women are the cause of all the problems. Is this the reason that we consider women to be mere object of desire that we say we must protect her? In fact we men are so insecure that even when we are scared frightened we want our girl to be on our side (read bed). So how does the woman get the title of being the fairer sex, she always has given and still gives without a word of remorse. She gives all that she has and what does she get or expect in turn – but on the other she receives more torture, more abuse. The story of a woman is the same every where rural or urban it’s the same every where. Most surprisingly even the American constitution starts with ‘ All men are equal’ and NOT ‘All men and women are equal’ The woman labourer works all day to earn a meagre amount which she uses to buy food for the family and the man uses his money to buy some alcohol, his reason - he works soo hard!!!!!. Similarly the working woman of 21st century still has to worry about cooking food at home, washing clothes children’s education and so on. While the man would come home, wash, ask for tea, dinner and then expect her to satisfy him in bed – because he had a tough day in office. WHAT ABOUT THE LADY – DID SHE NOT HAVE A TOUGH DAY IN OFFICE? DID SHE NOT GO TO WORK? This itself proves that we men are the most insecure and to make us feel stronger we exploit and abuse the woman in our house. And hence we call her a HOUSE WIFE. Because we are much confident that she will never raise a word but accept every thing as fate. A FATE THAT WAS DESIGNED BY HER PREDECESSORS AND NOT BY HER EXISTENCE. No body is concerned about her feelings about her ideas. She has been nurtured as a commodity meant to be used. The ancient tradition of Devdasi’s, though now abolished, proves that. But still she is a Dasi and not Basi. Such that since her birth the parents start raising her as ‘Paraya Dhan’... – one that belongs to other and has to be given away some day to the rightful owner – decided by her parents. In short she is raised as a liability. The woman has always been treated as a liability, firstly by her parents then her husband. The parents decide for her then the husband decides and then the children decide. WHAT ABOUT THE WOMAN DOES SHE HAVE A MIND OF HER OWN? OR WE MEN DO NOT WANT TO ACCEPT THAT?
Consider this – the husband goes off to work – has a tough day in office – returns home tired. The wife is all day home – made breakfast – washed clothes – cooked lunch – cleaned the house - the wife is tired.
The husband enters throws his bag on the couch and himself too in it – orders for tea – removes shoes and throws them around house – the wife serves tea smiles and places the shoes on the shoe rack and sits next to the husband – the husband ignores her – gets up goes for a shower – returns – reads the news paper - eats dinner goes to bed – the wife cleans up the utensils and enters the bedroom – the husband starts his action – the wife says she does not want to but just wants to cuddle up – the husband ignores and forces himself - the wife gives in - WHY? - does she too want it or it is the best way to keep away a beast. Or only to make her husband happy BECAUSE he had a tough day in office. WHAT about her day? Did she not work? If she did not work then who cooked food, washed clothes, cleaned house??????????? When will the husband realise that he has married a human being with a soul and not a machine. This may not be the case for many but few. But true, circumstances may differ but a woman is still considered an object of lust.
If the man and wife both are working even then it is the wife who is concerned with housekeeping, cooking food washing clothes etc and then making him happy whether she wants or not. Does a man ever realise that she has faked orgasm. Or is it just penetration that is all that matters to him. If that is the cases then why marry, there are many available on hire. Why spoil a life? Is it to have the feeling of ownership; men always love to own. - hence are always losers in love......
Monday, May 5, 2008
I AM ...
We forget that a shortcut never leads to happiness but brings more problems in future. By taking a shortcut we overlook many trivial but important things that need attention at that particular moment, we refuse to face reality, but as we are in a hurry to finish the job we overlook it and then crib later on. Whether or not we love the job and want to do it or not is not the concern. We accept it and then after a while start taking it as an extra baggage that has become a burden for us and still we do not want to discard it, because that would project us in negative. No body is willing to take the longest path. You might say, if there are shortcuts why one should take the longest path. True, there is absolutely no need to take the longest path if shortcuts are available but at the same one must be prepared to wait to have patience. At the same one must know the limit of being patient. Patience is like an elastic string, the more it is stretched the faster it returns back to its normal position. That is the characteristic of elastic. BUT if the elastic is stretched beyond a limit it does not return to its normal position and may break, the elastic string may rip, thus spoil everything and then it cannot be used even as a string. And this may happen to every thing - life, relationship, family, career etc and all such things or actions that is done by force or made to do forcibly.
We tend to go on stretching things beyond a limit and then it breaks. We are just not prepared to jump out of the box and prevent the elastic string of life from breaking. On the other we tend to stretch it further. It is not about quitting or accepting defeat but one must know when to give up, when to let go. Our ego prevents us from giving up. Our ego says that giving up means accepting defeat and our lower self-esteem says that we are being selfish. It is not about accepting defeat or being selfish but our decision for a better life for us and the other. It means ‘AHAM BRAMHA ASMI – I am the universe’. And every individual has the right to say so. By believing in AHAM BRAMHA ASMI – we say I AM I WILL…. TOGETHER WE WILL. Aham Bramha Asmi is not – I, ME, MYSELF… but WE, US. The whole universe is made up by US and not me alone. If every individual believes that he/she is alone will automatically create US, WE. That is THE POWER OF ONE. So the ego must be separated from our lives. At the same removing ego from our lives does not mean to give up self-respect. One must not allow anybody to take him/her for granted. I may not be doing any thing constructive for the other similarly the other may not be doing any thing constructive as per my view. Hence I say – value others time if you want others to value your time.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
About the Blog
Be Aware!... Be Ware!!
Content of the Blog…
- What is the blog going to be about?
- It will target to the youth of Nashik.
- Cover stories. (Can be any of the below mentioned topics or even based on the current event)
- Health.
- Nutrition.
- Child Care for young mothers.
- Health Tips for expecting mothers.
- All about a happy family – for newly weds.
- All about stress busting.
- Fitness.
- Career.
- Retailing.
- Information Technology.
- Call Centre Job.
- Hotel – restaurants/ café’s/ fast food joints/ signature restaurants/ stand alone restaurants, etc - all about starting, managing a restaurant
- Journalism- investigative/ entertainment/ politics/ sports/ business
- Film Making – direction/ editing/ story writing / scripting
- Fashion world – dress designing/ modelling- ramp modelling etc
- Construction.
- Interior designing/ Architecture.
- Commercial art.
- Photography.
- Tourism.
- Floriculture/ Viniculture
- Wine Making.
- Education.
- Studies Abroad.
- Professional Courses.
- Information Technology.
- Futuristic Courses.
- Teenage trauma.
- Angry Young Youth - Voice of the Youth.
- Problems related to teenaged children.
- Love, friendship, heartbreak, etc.
- Trendz.
- Fashion/Latest gadgets/ Mobile Phones/ Computers / Bikes/ Cars/ Accessories etc.
- Money Matters.
- Spiritual column. – CitiZen.
- Guest articles.
- Article of the month.
- Speak My Mind. – Complaints, suggestions, grievances, harassment, personal experiences etc
- I want a Clean City – Neo citi
- Hello Sir.
- My Question to the office bearers. – Questions asked by citizens of our city.
- Counselling-
- Health/ Education / Marriage/ Career/ Money Matters/ Emigration.
- Share a Mail.
- Best e-mailed messages of the month.
- On second Thoughts. – Cartoon column – one picture message.
- It’s A Fact. – Cartoon Strip. – Story telling by caricatures.
- Recipes.
- Jokes, messages etc.
If you do have any topics that can be written about please do keep us informed. Your suggestions will go a long way in making Café Bulletin a must read magazine for the youth of Nashik and elsewhere. A youth can be any individual from 6 to 60….
You too can write on the above-mentioned topics and post your article to us.
Thanking you,
Nabarun Paul.
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