On Second Thoughts !!!

Once you accept the notion that the rights of the people can be vested in proxies, you have just about abolished the people


Only fools fight. The wise supply them the means to do so; at a price, of course.
-Pyare Shivpuri

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Suffer Sacrifice Silently - Is This definition of a woman?

Is the woman of today truly liberated? – The following words might explain……………
- A convent educated girl who went on to earn good marks in curricula is now a high flier with a plum post and a fat salary. She works hard and under pressure to deliver within deadlines. She looks after her family and only child from a love marriage to a person crazy for her then but now a stranger in her life. A person engrossed in his own world that he fails to notice the girl who he married more than a decade ago is a soul and not just a toy meant for pleasuring himself. For him it is his wife’s only duty to look after the house and his child and then satisfy his urge; that He is the provider while she is the caretaker mistress. No doubt he gifts her expensive items and splurges wealth just as the maharajas in history did so for their concubines. Thinking she is happy but fails to notice that she longs for more than just those expensive gifts. He forgets that she is his wife and not a means for personal amusement.

- On the other their maid who is not as much educated as her employer, has similar life. She has to cook meals for this working couple before they leave for their daily commitments. The maid has to clean the house broom dust etc, wash clothes dry them iron them so that her employer can be at their best for their office. She too has to deliver within deadlines. And she too has a husband who is much like the convent educated lady’ loving hubby or shall we aptly say as lusting hubby. Only difference being that at times the maid has to accept a few slaps and kicks from her drunkard husband while the convent educated lady has to face her husband who comes soused only to be turned on by the key of lust and when finished just throw away the toy. If not allowed then he hurls few rants and raves but never slaps her because he is educated and an educated husband never beats his wife. Does that make him literally uneducated or illiterately educated?

In spite of the fact that both these females are much independent and can look after themselves and their children; both prefer to suffer at the hands of chauvinistic husbands. For every act of sacrifice there is an act of violence and seems they fear both. And hence prefer to Suffer Sacrifice Silently.(SSS)

For how long do such women wish to remain trammeled within the walls created by their own ignorance that they fail to notice; to have become mere prisoners under trail for freedom?
Why? - Is it the education that holds their decision back or is it the tradition which demands unquestioned obedience from a wife or is it the fear of society?

The woman of today may have reached the moon but down on earth she is still considered an object of desire. And who is responsible for it?
- We men because of our strength or the women because of their endurance?
Is the woman of today truly liberated? Manumitted?

Be Aware! Beware!!
Log on to
www.cafebulletin.blogspot.com to post your comments.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Literately Uneducated!!! Or illeterately educated!!!

For generations we have heard learnt and been taught that education makes one civilized. Education is the door to success. That education is the only hope. But are we really educated or we still dwell in forests. At least in the jungle the lion is the king because of its strength and endurance. In politics the cunning and shrewdest mind gets to form a government. In the corporate world it is the ignorance and lackadaisical attitude that judges ones capability. Hence there is no doubt that the political and the business minded people walk hand in hand. Thus it is aptly said that in the business of politics there are no permanent enemies or friends. Anybody who is worth to be used as a means to achieve ones personal aspirations is welcome.

So has our education taught us to sleep over issues that need to be raised and brought out in the open? Why is it that only after retirement from a job one dedicates time for social causes? Is it a way to undo the wrong doings while in power? Has our education enabled us to close our eyes while unethical activities happen around us just because we are in need of the job, the recognition and the fame?
But I feel education teaches us to be in the system to beat the system, if, a wrong system. But who decides whether a system is right or wrong. For that I say ……….B L I N K!
Education teaches one to read and write; but that is also termed as being literate. So then what exactly it means to be educated? A SOUND EDUCATION DOESN’T MAKE ONE LEARNED BUT ONLY OPENS DOORS; FOR IGNORANCE TO GO OUT AND WISDOM TO ENTER. IT GIVES ONE THE QUALITY OF BEING PRUDENT & SENSIBLE. Thus a person even with the ability to read and write can still be literally uneducated if they cannot develop the qualities of being prudent & sensible. Or they can be illiterately educated if they fail to involve wisdom in their thoughts and actions.

- Or, at times we openly expect the other to know. Isn’t that a very clever decision and an apt way to camouflage ones lack of knowledge and an easy way to shrug off responsibility? Isn’t that what we call to be ignorant?
- Or, hide ones inability to speak for their own right or to cover up one’s own fear of spoiling their good and sober image in society, thereby protect their practiced fancy?
- Or, to refuse to accept our lack of courage/ guts to walk up and face the demon called fear?
- Or, is it that our education prevents us from speaking the truth; rather accept and console ourselves saying that is being practical.

Do we identify all those?

Does education teach us to be egoistic snobs or it imbibes in us a sense of pride and thereby a set of ethical principles.

Does it teach us to think out of the box or be inside the box and think of the world outside and become skeptical about it?

Are we aware of our shortfalls?

Does education teach us to use and manipulate or does it teach us to stand up and speak?
Does education teach us to be ethical or practical, to honor a promise or to breach a promise?

Does it allow us to hide the facts or encourage us to reveal the truth and be honest? Or sweet mouth and conceal the facts?

Does it give us the courage to look into the eye and speak or it injects fear into our veins?

Education doesn’t teach us any of the above, instead opens the world around us. It gives us the eyes to see and the ability to think. It gives us the freedom of thought and actions. It makes us more humane. It teaches us our moral and social responsibilities. It gives us self-realization, self-respect and teaches us self-esteem. But then, if it does teach us all these then why are we still blinded by the society and the practical world? Like a herd of cattle why do we blindly follow it?

This society is more interested in fun and in deciding for others. They are the ones who use their limited knowledge or the lack of it; by pushing the other beyond the lines of thinking; for their own betterment and a never ending dose of free entertainment.

Why do we forget that it is we who make the society; the society doesn’t make us.
For how long do we wish to remain trammeled within the walls created by our own ignorance that we fail to notice; we have become mere prisoners under trail for freedom?

Has education really helped us in any way? Have we awakened or are we still sleeping? Are we free finally or is our freedom still a distant dream?

So dear friends let us all rise and confirm that we are indeed
literately educated and not
literately Uneducated!!! Or illiterately educated!!!
Be Aware! Beware!!
Log on to www.cafebulletin.blogspot.com to post your comments.

Saturday, March 28, 2009


If you can keep your head when all about you, Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,But make allowance for their doubting too;If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,Or being hated, don't give way to hating,And yet don't look too good or talk too wise:

If you can dream and not make dreams your master; If you can think and not make thoughts your aim; If you can meet with Triumph and DisasterAnd treat those two impostors just the same; If you can bear to hear the words you've spokenTwisted by knaves to make a trap for foolsOr watch the things you gave your life to, broken,And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winningsAnd risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,And lose, and start again at your beginningsAnd never breathe a word about your loss;If you can force your heart and nerve and sinewTo serve your turn long after they are gone,And so hold on when there is nothing in you;

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,Or walk with Kings--nor lose the common touch,If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,If all men count with you, but none too much;If you can fill the unforgiving minuteWith sixty seconds worth of distance run,Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,And--which is more--you'll be a man, my son!

-Rudyard Kipling

It is almost a 100 years now that Rudyard Kipling had penned this poem. It is still the same and it has worked wonders for me & I believe it will for you too. It is my heartfelt opinion that every individual on earth must read this poem atleast once..... and if you can read it before you start your day ,............. !!!!

Have a Gr8 day and superb life ahead.... BE a Winner always !!!!

Selfish Or Guilty - Neither

Selfish Or Guilty - Neither

Say It Now for it might be their last day !

Say It Now for it might be their last day !